
Bohdan Sinchenko

Bohdan Sinchenko was born in Starobilsk, Luhansk region. He graduated from the Department of Composition of the Kharkiv National University of Arts in 2011. During his studies he participated in several competitions for composers and the international festival "Youth Music" in 2010, which took place in Kharkiv. In 2011-2017 he combined creative activity with teaching. Since 2017 - exclusively on creative work.

In 2021, the composer became a graduate of the second competition of young composers. B.M. Lyatoshynsky, writing two cycles of choirs on the poems of Yu. Izdryk and E. Gutsal. In the same year he became an official participant of the All-Ukrainian cultural and artistic action "Music of Simple Heaven" with a play for 11 performers "Espressivo" and a laureate of the ISM 2021 competition, which took place in Kyiv, with a piano piece "Yellow Notebook". In the winter of 2022, the composer won the Garth Newel Piano Quartet Composition Competition with the Exsistencia Piano Quartet.

Now the composer works mainly in the field of chamber and instrumental music, focusing on the compositional principles of postminimalism, combining them with elements of sonorous writing techniques. The author's creative work includes music for piano, strings, various chamber and instrumental ensembles, such as string quartet, piano quintet, etc. Works and arrangements by Bohdan Sinchenko are regularly performed in Kharkiv and abroad.